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Quills Volunteer Sign Up

The 2025 Quills Conference will be held August 7th - 10th

Salt Lake City Marriott University Park,

480 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108.


Please note: All volunteers for Quills 2025 will be selected from those who fill out this form. Space is limited. All volunteers will be expected to work 12-14 hours to receive their comped Quills ticket. 


This means, if you are only available one day (e.g. Saturday) you'll be expected to volunteer for the whole day in order to gain access to the rest of the conference via the app.

The Quills Conference Volunteer Application
Preferred Method of Contact
Have you volunteered with the League of Utah Writers before?
Tell us when you're available each day. Keep in mind, the more flexible you are, the more likely we are to accept your application. Please select at least 4 time slots overall.
Tech Crew: follow instructions sheet, help presenters connect to projector, start and run live-stream sessions, offer audio assistance to attendees
Door Guard for various limited access rooms, spend 15-20 minutes in each room, reset rooms. Ballroom door guard and meal ticket taker, after all ticketed attendees have entered, invite everyone else to the back of the room to enjoy the keynote/awards ceremony.
Pitch/Headshot Helper: lead attendees to their appointment, each of these is 10 minutes - time them, give them a warning at 9 minutes, at 10 minutes tell them 'your appointment is over' and guide them out, honor agents, editors, and/or photographer
Gopher/Runner: assist tech crew, ADA meal assistance for attendees, certificate/award delivery during awards ceremony, Summit Scavenger Hunt Helpers
Info/Help Desk: answer questions, help attendees make the most of Quills, help with the app, give directions to rooms, use our software to check attendees in and print their badges and meal cards.
Set-up / Tear-down: set up tech with Andee; set up fundraiser; set up posters, pocket programs, etc.; tear down tech; gather supplies from all rooms and put them in the ballroom

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.


Thank you for being interested in volunteering with this year's League of Utah Writers Quills Conference from August 7-10, 2025.

We will need the following types of volunteers (please specify your preferences and experience in the sign-up form):

  • Tech: Strong computer skills required, specific training required, seated position.

  • Door Guard: Minimal training required, seated position.

  • Pitch Helpers: Minimal training required, some physical activity required.

  • Gopher/Runner: Minimal training required, very physically active position.

  • Help Desk: Answer questions, help attendees make the most of Quills, help with the app, give directions to rooms, use our software to check attendees in and print their badges and meal cards 

  • Set Up/Tear Down: Specific training required, level of physical activity varies by task.

For any volunteering questions before the event, email During the conference, we will utilize Discord to coordinate needs in real-time. When volunteers are selected, they will be sent a confirmation email to join Discord.


Working for a total of 12-14 hours over the course of the four-day Quills event will earn you a basic ticket that will allow you to attend classes when you are not working. You will be scheduled to work based on the available times you provide in the form.


Volunteers will have access to the Volunteer Green Room on the 6th floor of the hotel. The room will be unlocked, but closed. You will have access to a water station and snacks. Please plan on bringing your own meals unless you add conference meals to your ticket. Please plan on arranging your own transportation and hotel accommodations.

Because this is a hybrid conference, you are required to watch the training videos required for your position(s). 


If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, or you've been exposed to anyone with a respiratory illness, we ask that you stay home and let us know so we can fill your positions.

Have any questions? Please email

If your application is approved, you will receive an email confirmation by July 1st with details on how to register for the conference as a Quills Volunteer. Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us at The Quills Conference this year!

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