Become a Member
Connect with Utah's vibrant Writing Community
Member Benefits
League Benefits include...
Conference Discounts
The League Writing Contest
The League Anthology
Member-Only Content
Chapter Benefits can include...
Critiques & Feedback
and More
Not sure which chapter to join?
View the directory of Writing Chapters
Want to visit a chapter before joining?
View the League Calendar
Teen writers are welcome.
All League members must be at least 13 years old.
Membership Cost
$30.00 - Adult Yearly (18+)
$15.00 - Each Additional Chapter
$10.00 - Student Yearly (under 18 or proof of current enrollment)
$15.00 - Student Additional Chapter
Each yearly membership includes affiliation with one primary chapter.
How to Join
Using the form below:
Enter name and email you wish to use for official records
Choose the type of membership
Designate your chapter
Enter contact information
Submit payment
Submit another form for each additional chapter you wish to join or renew
Contact Membership Chair via email
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Trying a different internet browser might help, Chrome works best.
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Make sure you're answering all the questions - if there's an asterisk it is a required field
Double-check your address. If your form was autofilled by your browser, it might be in the wrong format for the address.