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Literary Journal


Inkpot is a literary journal publishing work by members of the League of Utah Writers. Submissions are open during the first month of each quarter. Selected pieces will be published online throughout the following quarter.

Submissions open April 1 - May 15, 2025
Theme: Sandy Beaches, Ocean Breezes

Inkpot sandy beaches.png
  • Inkpot’s editors are seeking poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction on the theme “Sandy Beaches, Ocean Breezes.” All genres welcome. Your piece can relate to this theme literally or figuratively—however you choose to interpret it.

  • All pieces will be judged with the author’s name removed using a standard scoring rubric. Submissions are only open to current members of the League of Utah Writers. 

  • Only one entry per person is allowed in each submission period, so send us your best! 

  • Unpublished work only—reprints will not be accepted, including work previously published on blogs or social media. Please do not re-submit pieces that have been previously rejected for Inkpot publication—send us something new.

  • Do not send pieces generated or assisted by AI.

  • Maximum word count: 1,000 words. Pieces longer than 1,000 words will be automatically rejected.

  • Formatting: The author’s name must not appear anywhere in the text. The form will automatically add your name to the file name, but we will remove it before your piece is sent to the judges. Use Shunn Modern format for fiction and nonfiction: with the exception of removing all identifying information.

  • Acceptable file formats: .doc, .docx, or .pdf

  • We are not looking for stories that include graphic rape and/or sexual assault, or which promote ableism, racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia.

All submissions will receive a response. Responses typically go out two months after the submission window closes.

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